Resolve sore muscles and stimulate the lymphatic system to aide in detoxification.

Primarily used on the back and shoulders, it offers a way to remove both acute and chronic trauma without the application of needles. Similar to deep tissue massage, cupping stimulates the muscles to bring fresh blood and oxygen to the damaged tissue, therefore healing the inflamed tissue trauma.

Though at first impression the cups appear to be heated, they are not. The fire seen in many photos of cupping therapy is only used to create a small vacuum inside the cup. It is then placed quickly onto the body, where it causes a suction, stimulating the local muscles and invigorating the blood. The sensation of cupping various from patient to patient, and can be easily adjusted by the practitioner to ensure the perfect comfort level for each patient. Like massage, with every application it penetrates deeper into the underlying muscle and fascia to heal traumatic injuries.

The cups are not heated and can be adjusted accordingly so they are not uncomfortable and leave little to no markings on the patient. The typical bruising associated with cupping depends on the individual, the strength of the suction and the length of time the cups are applied. Cupping can be done gently in an effective way that leads little to no marks and is not painful.

What to do after cupping therapy

  • Drink water. Water helps flush your lymphatic system of the cellular waste that cupping helps release from your tissues.

  • Stay warm. 

  • Try to cover the area(s) where you received cupping. 

  • Rest. 

You may feel more tired than normal or experience flu-like symptoms after cupping (headache or general body aches). This is a temporary reaction by your immune system to the cellular waste that cupping helps release. 

What to avoid after cupping therapy

  • Caffeine, alcohol, sugary foods and drinks, dairy, and processed meats. These foods slow down your body’s ability to process the treatment. 

  • Hot showers, saunas, hot tubs and strong air conditioning. After cupping, your skin will be more sensitive to temperature in the areas where the cups were placed. Give your skin time to recover. 

  • Intense exercise 

  • Cold and windy conditions 

How to prepare for cupping

  • Hydrate. Water is essential for your health, especially for your lymphatic system, which cupping supports. Your lymphatic system clears away cellular waste from your body and it needs plenty of water to do this effectively. 

  • Eat an hour or so before your appointment. 

  • Don’t shave the area within four hours of your appointment. 

  • Recover from sunburn. When you receive cupping, it will feel like that area is warmer than normal. Neither the cup nor the extra heat will feel good on sunburned skin. Apply some soothing aloe and wait until your skin has recovered before your next cupping appointment. 

  • Don’t exfoliate aggressively. Exfoliating removes a layer of dead skin, which makes your skin extra sensitive. Wait a couple days after an aggressive exfoliation treatment before receiving cupping. 

How to make the cupping marks go away faster

After cupping, your skin will have circular marks ranging in color from pink to deep red or purple. People may joke that you look like you were in a fight with an octopus. Wear those badges proudly! You’re doing something great for your body. 

Discolorations from cupping will fade. Some may fade after a few hours while others take up to two weeks to disappear completely. The discolorations are related to your body’s health at the time of cupping. 

If you’d like those marks to go away faster, do two things: hydrate and rest. 

Everyone’s body responds differently to cupping. If you have any questions either before or after a cupping appointment, please call us to speak with a licensed massage therapist.