Resolving Depression

Depression can be caused by multiple influences that impact our body and lead to an imbalance of our mental-emotional state.

In the west, we view emotions and feelings as not being related to the body, but instead being a creation of the mind. This way of viewing depression can lead to overlooking other factors that have a significant impact on how we are feeling.

In Chinese medicine every internal organ is associated with a specific set of emotions. If there is a physical blockage or imbalance in a specific organ, it can therefore lead to the expression of that emotion. Once we know the origin, we can then use specific acupuncture points and herbs to rectify and harmonize the body accordingly.

Internal Organs & Depression in TCM

Kidney’s - The qi becomes weak leading to a state of depression with a sense of being overwhelmed. This type of depression lacks desire or the will to move forward and onward with one’s life.

Liver - Qi stagnation occurs in the liver, creating depression accompanied with anger, frustration and irritability. When the qi of the liver is harmonized, we become calm, relaxed and flexible.

Lungs - Like the kidneys, become deficient in qi, and manifest the emotion of grief, sadness and the sense of detachment. This type of depression is most often associated with past trauma or loss that we are unable to move through regardless of how hard we try.

Heart - The qi becomes weak and manifests the emotion of depression accompanied with the lack of enthusiasm, insomnia and despair. When the heart qi is strong and healthy, we are able to express the emotion of joy and love.

Contact Red Pine Acupuncture for help with Depression. Online consultations available.

Brian Blinn