Let the energy flow

Yoga and acupuncture both have deep historical roots as Eastern traditions, but they are comparatively new to the West. Qi (“chi” in acupuncture) or Prana (in yoga) are the terms used for 'energy' in the body. Energy can become stagnant in our body which causes pain, emotional instability and a foggy mind. The practice of yoga and acupuncture both focus on moving the energy of the body, but in very different ways.  

Acupuncture stimulates areas of stagnation with targeted needlework and can treat and relieve many ailments. When used in combination with yoga, the areas of concern are targeted from a holistic approach. Yoga involves an understanding of the body's muscles and how they can be used and moved to reduce stagnation and promote  calm every. Some yoga teachers also have the knowledge to target certain areas for relief. 

Yoga can be general or specific. Specific areas of the body can be targeted to release and open, or generally to flex and move the body. Don’t underestimate general yoga classes. When yoga is used generally it uses many muscles we do not use in everyday life. I once taught a class of karate black belts who couldn't believe how sore they were going to be the following day. 

Ironically the yoga poses you dislike doing the most are probably the best for you as they get into sore, tender and awkward areas that need to release stagnation. Work with a teacher who can understand and translate what ails you to how yoga. 

  • Nadine Blinn, Owner Balanced Humans

Corporate and private yoga classes. Learn more at: https://www.bhofficeyoga.com

Brian Blinn